Practicas con JavaScript y Python

Reto 0: El Famoso "Fizz Buzz"

Escribe un programa que muestre por consola (con un print) los números de 1 a 100 (ambos incluidos y con un salto de línea entre cada impresión), sustituyendo los siguientes:

  • Múltiplos de 3 por la palabra "fizz".
  • Múltiplos de 5 por la palabra "buzz".
  • Múltiplos de 3 y de 5 a la vez por la palabra "fizzbuzz".


# The number_list is taken to print the values with fizz, buzz or fizz_buzz
number_up_to = int(input('Fizz Buzz Game from 1 to: ')) + 1
for number_to_change in range(1, number_up_to):
    if number_to_change % 3 == 0 and number_to_change % 5 == 0:
        print(f'{number_to_change} is FizzBuzz!')
    elif number_to_change % 3 == 0:
        print(f'{number_to_change} is Fizz!')
    elif number_to_change % 5 == 0:
        print(f'{number_to_change} is Buzz!')
    else: print(number_to_change)

Reto 1: El "Lenguaje Hacker"

Escribe un programa que reciba un texto y transforme lenguaje natural a "lenguaje hacker" (conocido realmente como "leet" o "1337"). Este lenguaje se caracteriza por sustituir caracteres alfanuméricos.

  • Utiliza esta tabla con el alfabeto y los números en "leet".
  • Usa la primera opción de cada transformación. Por ejemplo "4" para la "a"


import json
# Deserialize JSON file
with open('./alfabeto_leet/leet.json', 'r') as file:
    leet_alphabet_object = json.load(file)
# Request a text and make a list of characters from it
text = input("Convert natural language to leet language. Insert text: ")
divided_characters_from_text = [i for i in text]
# Function that returns the leet character depends on a normal_letter given
def match_natural_to_leet_character(normal_letter: str):
    if normal_letter == " ": return " "
    for i in leet_alphabet_object:
        normal_character = i["letter"][0] # --> str
        leet_characters = i["letter"][1] # --> list()
        if normal_character == normal_letter: return leet_characters[0]
# Replaces each character from the input to its corresponding leet character
def transform_to_leet(characters: list):
    leet_format = [i.replace(i, match_natural_to_leet_character(i)) for i in characters]
    output = "".join(leet_format) # --> Concatenate characters
    print(f'Your initial word was: "{"".join(characters)}"\nAnd was converted to leet: "{output}"')
# match_natural_to_leet_character("h")

Reto 2: El Partido de Tenis

Escribe un programa que muestre cómo transcurre un juego de tenis y quién lo ha ganado. El programa recibirá una secuencia formada por "P1" (Player 1) o "P2" (Player 2), según quien gane cada punto del juego.

  • Las puntuaciones de un juego son "Love" (cero), 15, 30, 40, "Deuce" (empate), ventaja.
  • Ante la secuencia [P1, P1, P2, P2, P1, P2, P1, P1], el programa mostraría lo siguiente:

    • 15 - Love
    • 30 - Love
    • 30 - 15
    • 30 - 30
    • 40 - 30
    • Deuce
    • Ventaja P1
    • Ha ganado el P1
  • Si quieres, puedes controlar errores en la entrada de datos.
  • Consulta las reglas del juego si tienes dudas sobre el sistema de puntos.


from enum import Enum

class Player(Enum):
P1 = 'PLAYER 1'
P2 = 'PLAYER 2'

score_table, tie = ["Love", 15, 30, 40], "Deuce"
sequence = [Player.P1, Player.P2, Player.P1, Player.P2, Player.P1, Player.P2, Player.P1, Player.P1]

def evaluate_sequence(sequence: list):
# Initial Score and State of Tie
score_player_1, score_player_2 = 0, 0
state_of_tie = False
# Each Player Score
for player in sequence:
    # In case of having 3 points each player, then it´s a tie
    if score_player_1 == 3 and score_player_2 == 3 and state_of_tie == False:
        print(f'It´s a tie! {tie}!')
        state_of_tie = True
    # Scores player 1. If it has 3 points one after the other, it ends there
    elif player.value == 'PLAYER 1' and not state_of_tie:
        if score_player_1 == 3: 
            print('Player 1 Wins')
        score_player_1 += 1
        print(f'{score_table[score_player_1]} ---- {score_table[score_player_2]}')
    # Same logic in this section
    elif player.value == 'PLAYER 2' and not state_of_tie:
        if (score_player_2 == 3):
            print('Player 2 Wins')
        score_player_2 += 1
        print(f'{score_table[score_player_1]} ---- {score_table[score_player_2]}')
    # Final winner here if there was a tie
        print( 'Player 1 Wins' if player.value == 'PLAYER 1' else 'Player 2 Wins' )


Reto 3: El Generador de Contraseñas

Escribe un programa que sea capaz de generar contraseñas de forma aleatoria. Podrás configurar generar contraseñas con los siguientes parámetros:

  • Longitud: Entre 8 y 16.
  • Con o sin letras mayúsculas.
  • Con o sin números.
  • Con o sin símbolos.


from random import choice

class Password():
    # Default password constructor
    def __init__(
        length: int = 8,
        numbers_or_without: bool = True,
        uppercase_or_lower = 'lower',
        symbols_or_without: bool = False
        self.length = length
        self.numbers_or_without = numbers_or_without
        self.upper_or_lower = uppercase_or_lower
        self.symbols_or_without = symbols_or_without
    def output_message(password: str, length: int, with_numbers: str, with_letters: str, with_symbols: str):
        message = f"""
        Password config:
            - Length: {length}
            - Numbers: {with_numbers.capitalize()}
            - Letters: {with_letters.capitalize()}
            - Symbols: {with_symbols.capitalize()}
            - Password --> {password}
    # Function for numbers
    def numbers(): 
        return list(range(48, 58))
    # Function for uppercase or lowercase
    def text_case(lower_or_upper: str = 'lower') -> list:
        # ASCII Code
        if lower_or_upper == 'upper': return list(range(65, 91))
        return list(range(97, 123))
    # Function for symbols
    def symbols():
        return \
        list(range(33, 48)) + \
        list(range(58, 65)) + \
        list(range(91, 97)) + \
        list(range(123, 127))
    # Generates a password with the default parameters
    def generate(self):
        full_password = str()
        # 3° Condition - No numbers, no letters, symbols
        if not self.numbers_or_without and self.upper_or_lower == "" and self.symbols_or_without:
            while len(full_password) < self.length:
                full_password += chr(choice(Password.symbols()))
            return Password.output_message(
        # 2° Condition - No numbers, letters, symbols
        if not self.numbers_or_without and self.upper_or_lower != "" and self.symbols_or_without:
            while len(full_password) < self.length:
                if self.upper_or_lower == 'lower':
                    letters_and_symbols = Password.text_case() + Password.symbols()
                    full_password += chr(choice(letters_and_symbols))
                    letters_and_symbols = Password.text_case('upper') + Password.symbols()
                    full_password += chr(choice(letters_and_symbols))
            return Password.output_message(
        # 1° Condition - No numbers, letters, no symbols
        if not self.numbers_or_without and self.upper_or_lower != "":
            while len(full_password) < self.length:
                if self.upper_or_lower == 'lower': full_password += chr(choice(Password.text_case()))
                else: full_password += chr(choice(Password.text_case('upper')))
            return Password.output_message(
        # Default Condition - Numbers, letters, no symbols
        while len(full_password) < self.length:
            full_password += chr(choice(Password.numbers() + Password.text_case()))
        return Password.output_message(

if __name__ == '__main__':
    Password(numbers_or_without=False, uppercase_or_lower='lower').generate()
    Password(numbers_or_without=False, uppercase_or_lower='upper').generate()
    Password(numbers_or_without=False, uppercase_or_lower="", symbols_or_without=True).generate()